Employer Expression Of Interest Form

Legal Entity Name
Trading Name
Years of Operation
Current number of Employees (including apprentices) 
Ratio of current qualified staff to apprentices
Postal address
Head office address
Industry Sector
Trade Contractor Licence Number
Public Liability Insurer

Contact Details 

Primary Contact
Phone Number (Landline)
Phone Number (mobile) 
Prefered method of contact
Have you hosted apprentices before?

If Yes:

Number of apprentices hosted 
Industries/ Trades
Duration of hosting (month/ years)
Do you have suitable facilities and equipment for apprentices 
Outline the support and mentoring that can be provided to apprentices
Number of apprentices currently employed
Number of qualified supervisors?
Number of apprentices seeking to host?
What trade
What duration of hosting can you offer?
Type of apprentice
Provide a brief description of the services offered by your organisation. Include a description of the facilities and equipment
Outline the facilities and equipment the organisation has to support on the job training
What motivated your company to consider becoming a host employer?
Please provide the names and contact details of two business references (Name, Company & Phone)

 If you have any questions, please contact the Wettrade Apprenticeships office on (07) 3277 8646 and speak with the GTO Coordinator.  


Thank you for your interest in becoming a host employer with Wettrade Apprenticeships. We will review your application and contact you with further information. 


Do You Need an Apprentice or an Apprenticeship?

Call Us: 07 3277 8646