Welcome to Wet Trade Apprenticeships

a group training organisation designed specifically for the wet trades

Employment Structure

Apprentices are employed WTA rather than directly by a single employer. This organisation then places them with various host employers for different periods throughout their apprenticeship.

Work Experience

Host employers play a crucial role by providing on-the-job training to apprentices. This practical experience is essential for learning the skills required in their chosen trade.

Financial Responsibility

WTA takes on the responsibility of paying the apprentice's wages. This arrangement ensures that apprentices receive consistent financial support while they gain experience with different employers.

Duration and Rotation

Throughout their apprenticeship, apprentices may work with multiple host employers. This rotation allows them to gain exposure to different work environments, practices, and techniques within their chosen trade.

Support and Oversight

WTA provides additional support and oversight to apprentices. This can include mentoring, guidance, and ensuring that the apprenticeship meets regulatory requirements and standards.

Flexibility and Adaptability

This exposure not only enhances their technical skills but also helps develop their ability to work in diverse teams and adapt to different work cultures and practices. 

What is group training?

Group training provides the opportunity for apprentices to complete an apprenticeship in the trade of their choice while working with a host employer, in most cases, more than one. Apprentices are employed by a group training organisation who places them for specified timeframes with host employers throughout the duration of their apprenticeship. Host employers provide apprentices with the on the job training component while the group training organisation is responsible for the payment of the apprentice’s wages.

Everyone benefits from group training. Statistics show that the completion rates for apprentices are greater for those apprentices employed by a GTO.

Wettrade Apprenticeships (WTA) was established in 2023 to address the shortage of workers in the wet trades and provide alternative solutions for apprentices seeking real world outcomes in the industry .

WTA is a Group Training Organisation (GTO) that is a new greenfield division of Master Painters Association of Qld Ltd (MPA) which is owned and operated by Master Painters Decorators and Signwriters Association Queensland Union of Employers. MPA is a member owned not for profit industry association, set up over a century ago.MPA supports, consumers and painters, setting industry standards in ethical business practices, and competency trade skills. Today, MPA is recognised by government and industry stakeholders, as the peak representative body for Queensland’s painting and decorating industry.

More about group training 

In the painting trade, it is important that apprentices are rotated between host employers to ensure they complete training across new work and repaint work. Therefore, while undertaking an apprenticeship with WTA, apprentices can expect to be rotated to a new host employer to ensure access to the full range of work on at least one occasion during the three (3) year apprenticeship. 

More detailed obligations and responsibilities are included in our Apprentice and Host Employer Information Handbook provided directly to approved host employers and apprentices.

What are the responsibilities of the GTO? 

As the legal employer, Wettrade Apprenticeships (WTA QLD) is responsible for (among other things):

  • Employing apprentices and including payment of wages 
  • Maintaining a safe working environment and ensuring the host employer provides a safe working environment
  • Working with the RTO to negotiate and agree on a training plan and ensuring host employers are able to provide tools, equipment and the range of work necessary to support the apprentice’s on the job training
  • Providing mentoring and support to the apprentice including providing and managing a complaints and appeals framework
  • Providing inductions for apprentices and host employers to ensure they are fully aware of their roles and obligations

Group training organisations in Queensland are: 

  • Subject to regulation under the Further Education and Training Act
  • Assessed against the requirements of the National Standards for Group Training Organisations

The Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training is responsible for the regulation of group training organisations in Queensland. 

Click here for more detailed information on group training including the responsibilities of WTA, host employers and apprentices. 

WetTrade Apprenticeship is currently seeking host employers and new apprentices to take on full and part time roles in the painting and decorating trade. Click here to see our current vacancies. 

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Our aim is to ensure you work in a safe environment and one where you are encouraged and supported to learn and develop.

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We believe that our employers are the most valuable asset we have. We uphold standfast relationships with our employers to ensure the best results. 

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What Our Customers Say

Robert Gibbons Employer
"Wettrade Apprenticeships helped me find an awesome apprentice for my team! So helpful"
Sandy Jackson Apprentice
"From the start of my apprenticeship I have been taken care of by the team".  

Do You Need an Apprentice or an Apprenticeship?

Call Us: 07 3277 8646